Summer Camp Meeting – Qaanita B. Testimony

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Igniting a generation, means to set today’s generation ablaze with the fire of God which has been set in our hearts the love of God so compels you that you can’t help but tell someone.   Summer Camp meeting for me was a time of pouring out the fire of God in our youth during kid’s church.  I told the kids and they were so receptive and open to the presence of God.  The worship was powerful and the kids pressing in and the fire of God fell as everyone including the helpers was touched with the power of God.

Everyone begin to fall out under the power of the anointing and the presence of God began to saturate the hearts of every believer.  Kids were baptized with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in new tongues and the joy of the Lord filled the place.  God used me as vessel to minister to these kids on the anointing and the presence of God, to see them grasp a hold of the truth and walk in the anointing has truly been an honor and a privilege.  God is the same God, yesterday today and forever.  He changes not.  It does not matter if you’re young or old; if your heart is open to receive God can use you.

We can learn so much from those who have gone before us in history.  Faith is greatest of all principles.  God has shown me to use my faith and He will do the rest if I am just willing and obedient then He can and would if He were sought.  Children grab a hold of those so easily.  We too must become like the children and have child like faith.