Rodney Howard Browne – Rachel P. Testimony

God has been doing some really awesome things through out the past week, and especially even more over this entire month. This is just the beginning of the great awakening we are going to see completely shake all of America. I am so glad that I got to be a part of it. I stayed home on Monday night and watched part of the service’s live broadcast on the television. I was watching the three teenagers from Missouri give all their testimonies from when they went soul winning, for the first time ever, and it completely pushed me to go soul winning right then and there.

Seeing their passion made my passion well up all over again. Today, (01/28/11) is officially one of the top five days I have had in my entire life. I got filled with the joy and I danced before my Lord like never before. Usually I get tired after dancing for only a few minutes but today I was so strengthened. I danced for around forty five minutes without being tired. I asked God specifically for strength last night for today. The joy of the Lord truly is my strength. I am so blessed to be involved in everything that is going on.

Being in the very center, the eye, of every thing that is going on at Revival Ministries International, which is affecting all of America, and many other parts of the world, is such a blessing. I am so thankful that God chose me to be one of the people to be a part of this all. Every one MUST experience the fire of God. America will be shaken by the power and fire of God and it is starting right here at The River of Tampa Bay!  -Rachel P.

Rodney Howard Browne – Dennis M. Testimony

This past week at the Great Awakening Broadcast we saw the wonderful works of God with many people having awesome experiences with God the living God. There were people testifying on the internet of how God has touched them and how they caught the passion to go and reach out to people who need to be saved from the current condition in their lives.

And God is faithful! He will come through! He always does! He will and does save and heal and deliver those who call on him! Jesus’ work on the cross did not happen in vain; it was and is a full work he took care of all of our sin! No sin left unforgiven. Nothing left in the dark. He comes and touches and heals everything!  And his power is available to all! And there is nothing he cannot do. No one who is too far gone he cannot save! His hand is not too short! His love never fails! God is good he is not evil he will save!

Rodney talked about how religion will fail you but God will never fail you through Jesus Christ! For Jesus said he is the way and no man shall come to the Father but by Him! And those who are truly his come with complete surrender holding nothing back! For he is worthy! Worthy of all worship, honor, praise worship and adoration forever! Amen!

Rodney also talked about how America needs to come back to God fully, returning to Him as their first love, not just as a secondary supplement to their lives or using him as a crutch just to get by, but as their Savior! The all powerful God who can do anything as Jesus said in Mathew 2:22 that “If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”! He saves, now and always.  –Dennis M.

Rodney Howard Browne – Jennifer W. Testimony

This week at The Great Awakening happening here in Tampa, Florida has been a knock my socks off week. It started on Sunday with the Main Event and Pastor Rodney Howard-Brown teaching on Honor. I can hardly believe all that I am here learning so much just sitting in the service as the presence of God just wraps me up like a blanket. On Monday night I had the great privilege of helping in the call center.

WOW! While on the phone I was able to lead a man back to Jesus as he rededicated his heart and life, a 10 year old boy was baptized in the Holy Spirit and more than one person called in with pain in their body and when we hung up the phone they were shouting that the pain was completely gone! It was on Tuesday when I was able to take the things I am learning here as a first year Bible School student here in the River School of Worship and the teachings from Sunday morning, and teach the river bears ages 3-5 what Honor is!

After the service Pastor Rodney prayed for everyone in the building me included and that blanket feeling I described earlier was once again was very obvious as I laid on the ground. As I was there all I could think about was something I heard in school, the longer you are under the anointing the more you change! This has been my prayer and I can clearly see God answering it! My attitude, my family life, my work ethic, my whole life is changing for the better. Thank you Jesus!  It’s only Thursday and I cannot wait to see what God does next!-Jennifer W.