Deon Testimony

Man, when the Word of God becomes alive to you and gets rooted in you then revival starts to break out. When that word settles in your heart you began to see people as Jesus sees them. The Word of God has helped me in areas like working onto the Lord, spending more time with God and my love for people. Since listening to Pastor Rodney’s series on the Word being sown into the hearts of man I have begun showing more love. I have just kept pressing in and God has been using me. Just the other day, I went to play basketball and everybody was cussing and doing other things. I just showed the love of God and through that everybody that played basketball got saved. Hallelujah! I am telling you when the Word of God penetrates your heart and you apply it to your life then every devil in hell knows that damage is coming to the kingdom of darkness. The Word of God has me so pumped up because it is so rooted in me. It has become a part of me. It is like I am in combat with the gospel strapped to me like C-4 and exploding it everywhere I go. The Word has made me bold and on fire for God and it shows through my life. The Word of God will change your heart and then change your actions and way of thinking. Since this message Pastor Rodney has been preaching, God has been more real to me than ever before.

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