Rodney Howard Browne – Maria C. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.


I was soul winning with the script and I was having trouble seeing the script without my glasses. But I just kept winning souls anyway. After leading a few women to the Lord I began to walk away went out take my glasses off but I didn’t have them on. I could now read clearly without my glasses.


We have had an awesome time the last two days soul winning the last two days. God healed the woman’s feet at the bus stop. Prayed with a woman who had been sexually abused and she forgave the attacker and got saved. Another man forgave himself after taking someone’s life and so many more! We were so lucky to have the team leaders that we had were able to learn how to jump on buses and witness to people.


Today we were at Petegon City Mall I met a gentleman who was a make artist .Who was a homosexual. After I prayed the salvation prayer with him, I told him again that God has a plan for his life. He began to weep .The Lord then told me to tell the man that he didn’t see him as a failure. The man began to cry and he received a healing touch from God.

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