This Present Glory | Howard Fox Testimony

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I can not be in a hurry and try to move out a head of God. I must actively use the time of preparation. Jesus was in preparation for 30 years for 3.5 years in the ministry. God was growing Jesus and fashioning Him for His earthly ministry. This encouraged me because I am still struggling with dying to my own self will and want and only doing what God wants me to do for my life. Knowing that preparation time is never wasted time has helped me to relax on my own ambitions and stop trying to accomplish things in the flesh and allow the Holy Spirit lead me to do what God has called me to do. In the Old Covenant, the four elements needed for the atonement of sins of the people were: the priest, the sacrifice, man and God. If any were missing or were not as they should be, God would not accept the sacrifice. If the priest had anything unholy in his life or if the sacrifice was imperfect, God would not approve of the atonement. What is amazing about the new covenant, is that Jesus was all four of the elements; He is our high priest, He is the sacrifice, He was a man, and He is God. There is nothing that can go wrong with the new covenant, because Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And in the new covenant, our sins are remitted, not just covered. This brought a fuller knowledge of why the New Covenant is so much better than the Old Covenant, and what Jesus did on the cross for me. I must have an encounter with the Holy Ghost or I will stray from God. I must be continually pressing into God and reading the Word or I will get off track. Sometimes we have to walk through the fire or go through certain situations to destroy our enemies and not only to get the impurities out of me. The three Hebrews children went the fire to kill their enemies. The Israelites went through the Red Sea to drown the Egyptians. Those who are against me, will fail in their attempts to stop me as long as I am in the will of God for my life and am following His plans.

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